Halloween 2016

Carter dressed up as a hot dog while Raine went as a spy.


We decorated the house a bit this year.


The mythical house that gives out full-size candy bars really DOES exist!


We always hit the after-halloween sales to pick up more costumes for our dress-up bucket. Here’s Carter as a bug ninja.


Some of my co-workers, especially my legal assistant, have been pulling pranks around the office lately. One of the legal assistants had her notary stamp suspended in jello, one of the attorneys got a drawer full of paperclips all linked together, another one of the legal assistants had everything in her office wrapped in rubber-bands. Well, Raine was home sick one Friday and I came back on Monday to THIS:


I had to cut my way into my office with a pair of scissors. So, the next weekend I took the kids and DJ to the office to cover everyone’s office supplies with googly eyes! (Staplers, tape dispensers, hole punches, file cabinets, monitors, computer mice, keyboards, microwave, light switches, etc.) I didn’t take any pictures because I didn’t want any evidence, but it looked AWESOME! Raine even left a couple voice messages for people where she said “I’m watching you!” and laughed her evil laugh. It was great.


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