First day(s) of school . . . and a note about Momma

School has FINALLY started again! Raine’s first day was Thursday, September 1. She was so excited! Her teachers are Ms. Lenise and Ms. Lori. Almost all of the kids in her class were in her class last year, including her good friend Karsyn, so it has been fun for her to jump right in.

Raine loves structured activities, so school is a great place for her. This year she is attending two days a week, like she did last year. It is frequent enough that she is comfortable with the routine and people but not so frequent that I feel like I never see her.

Carter is only attending on Tuesday so his first day was the 6th. His teachers are Ms. Rae Jean and Ms. Heather (she was Raine’s teacher for the past two years so we were very excited to find out that Carter will be with her this year).

Carter is a bit of a momma’s boy. He clung on for dear life when I dropped him off and shed a few token tears as she carried him away. But he was done before I even finished signing him in so I knew he would be fine — and he was.

Now a note about Momma: A few months ago I decided to increase my “attorney activities” by taking on more cases and joining some legal associations. I was invited to join the Mahon Inn of Court, which has monthly dinner meetings and other social events. It draws the best and brightest attorneys and judges in the area and provides mentoring and social opportunities. I feel a little out of my league with all the big-firm attorneys but I think I have been holding my own so far. It is a fabulous opportunity for me to meet and learn from the best and I really enjoy it.

These past three weeks have been a perfect storm of events that have kept me beyond busy. These were the biggest time consumers: (1) the placement in one of my cases blew-up so I had several unexpected hearings and had to visit various new placements; (2) a lady from the Ward had her child removed by CPS so I represented her until she was able to obtain a court-appointed attorney; and (3) I was just sustained as the 2nd Counselor in the Primary, my first real Primary calling EVER! I have no idea what I am doing because the only Primary calling that I have ever held was as the assistant secretary for six months in Pittsburgh. I was in charge of the bulletin board — I didn’t even interact with the kids — so leading Sharing Time and actually teaching the kids is a new experience for me. And I will be honest, I’m really not a kid person. I love my own kids and have tons of fun with them, but other people’s kids . . . well, they’re a bit foreign. Needless to say, this will be a huge learning experience for me.

Despite all the craziness, we still managed to take a couple trips to the zoo — on the days that we weren’t breaking the all-time heat record. (Seriously Mother Nature, 107* in mid-September is a bit extreme, don’t you think? Did you miss the memo that it is now autumn, the season of playing outside? Give my poor yard a break!)

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