Here is a cellphone photo-dump of random summer fun:
June 9 FHE at Mountasia playing mini-golf and riding go-carts
June 11 one of the many library summer reading club shows. Raine got to hula-hoop during the rhythm show.
This kid can sleep any time, any place!
June 20 Friday nights are family date night
July 3 convertible ride to the doughnut shop with our home teacher, Brother Jeppson
July 3 there were plenty of crafts
July 9 Carter’s free birthday cookie at Barnes and Noble
July 9 we made plenty of trips to the children’s museum and even rustled up some cattle while we were there
July 11 Elsa made an appearance at the water park
July 16 exploring an enormous play-scape
Aug 3 Raine and my matching maxi skirts
Aug 4 after all the PBS Wild Kratts the kids watched this summer, they just had to have creature power suits and discs
Aug 11 at the pool . . . we spent a lot of time at the pool!