Carter’s 6th birthday party

July 16 was Carter’s birthday party. He wanted to play laser tag, but it took some looking to find a place that allows kids under 48 inches to play. Finally we found LaserWhirld and it was perfect for our party.

Carter is obsessed with mustaches. He loves them and wears the stick-on kind every chance he gets. I found a whole sheet of them for him to hand out at his party. Most of the kids put them on for at least a little while — it was hilarious!

Caleb, Carter, and Spencer sporting their ‘staches!

Once everyone arrived, they geared up for a round of laser tag.

Jack, Gunner, Carter, Spencer, and Caleb

The second time around, all the dads joined them. Carter loved playing with “Bob” — that’s what he calls his dad. It’s short for “Bob the Troll,” a name that Carter and Raine came up with for one of their plays. Carter religiously calls him “Bob” now, it is super odd in a hilarious sort of way.

Daddy, Spencer, Carter, and Jack

Gunner, Caleb, Jack, Caleb, Spencer, and Carter

After laser tag, the kids had pizza and gatorade (another of Carter’s favorites).


Next was cake.

Carter wouldn’t smile for me, he doesn’t like being the center of attention and he was getting a little goofy.

Opening presents was a group effort.

Spencer, Ben, Carter, Jack, and Gunner

They played a few video games, then everyone left. It was an awesome party!


Unfortunately, I didn’t get photos of everyone. Evan and Jay managed to avoid my shutter.

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