Friday, February 15, was the day Carter had been waiting for… we were going whale watching, hoping to see some orcas. On our way, we stopped to see Kirkjufellsfoss and its views of Kirkjufell Mountain.
Carter was sick of seeing frozen waterfalls so he wouldn’t be in any photos, but he took some for us.
While we waited for our whale-watching tour, we found a school playground with a zip line.
We donned our thermal flotation suits and boarded the boat.
We found a great viewing area on top of the boat. It was good for seeing whales, not so great for Mom’s sea-sickness though!
Soon after we made it out into the open ocean, the boat crew saw water spouts. As we got closer, they realized that it was a couple of sperm whales. They said that seeing sperm whales on the tour is VERY unusual as they generally stay out where the water is deeper.
After watching the sperm whales for quite a while, we headed out in search of orcas and soon enough we found some.
We bobbed around with the orcas for a long time, it was really, really cool! (It was also sickening to roll back and forth on the waves as the boat idled next to the whales, but I only threw up once!) The orcas came fairly close to the boat, swimming alongside and under it.
After the tour, we headed back down south, past Reykjavík, to Njardvik, close to the airport.