This, that, and some stats

First of all, Raine and Carter each had a well-baby checkup today so here are their stats:

Age: 36 mos
Weight: 37 lb 1 oz, 90-95th %ile
Height: 41 in, way above the 97th %ile (For comparison, this is the 75th %ile for a four-year-old. If she continues on this curve, the charts say she will be 5’10” as an adult — the perfect height if I say so myself! :)

Age: 15 mos
Weight: 23 lb 7 oz, 25-50th %ile
Height: 32.75 in, 90-95th %ile

Now for the “this-and-that.” These are random tidbits that I wanted to record, but that weren’t sufficient for their own post.

Money management
Several weeks ago, I decided it was time to start teaching Raine about money. I wanted her to appreciate the money she spends and experience how it is earned. When we go to the zoo — three or four times a month — she usually wants to either feed the birds, ride the train, or ride the carousel. Each of these activities costs one dollar. This seemed like the perfect situation to teach her the value of money. I decided to give her a dime for every chore she does. Then when we go to the zoo, she can exchange her dimes for a dollar to use as she wishes. She needs eleven dimes to receive a dollar — one for tithing and ten for the dollar — and if she doesn’t have that many then she doesn’t get to do anything at the zoo. If she has enough for two dollars then she can either do two activities or save one for later. It has been a real fun experience so far and has taught her several good life lessons. As a side note, I also make her keep her dollar in her pocket and purchase her ticket or bird-feed by herself. She is developing a lot of self-confidence from the experience.

Scaredy cat
Carter has so much personality these days. His facial expressions are priceless — especially when he does his scrunchy-nose face — and his mannerisms always make us laugh. There is one thing, however, that I shouldn’t laugh at but do and that is how big of a chicken he is. He really is a scaredy cat. He is terrified of the garage when the light isn’t on. He is terrified of the gorillas at the zoo. In fact, he is terrified of ANY animal at the zoo if it moves too much. He turns around and runs screaming in the opposite direction. It is comical to watch and I can’t help but laugh. Hopefully he outgrows it soon!

Other notes about Carter
Carter has developed a love of books. His favorite is “Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?” He loves to completely empty the bookshelf onto the floor before selecting a book, then he will carry it over to me and back his little self up to my lap (or at least close to it) before plopping down. When he wants to read he expects me to drop everything and read to him . . . if I don’t do it he yells at me until I do!

Another thing about Carter is that he is ALWAYS making noise. He is either singing to himself, babbling, humming, or whining. It reminds me of my Grandpa McKay who was always humming — not a tune, but more of a rhythm of life.

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