Friday, May 9 was Raine’s last day of school. It was a half-day and all they did was play!
Mrs. Stapleton painted their faces (or arms).
A quick note about Carty: Thursday, Carter came down with a fever and was sent home early from school. Soon after waking up from a nap, he started complaining about a sore throat. We looked in his mouth and it was nasty — bright red with white spots. Suspecting strep throat, I called the nurse to see if he needed to be seen that night or if we could wait until the next morning. She said that he could probably wait until the next morning but to get him in first thing. So we pumped him full of pain killers and drug him to graduation. He was a real trooper and sat quietly through the whole thing. Friday morning I got him in to see the nurse practitioner at 8:30 for a strep test. Much to my surprise, it came back negative. However, it turned out that he had a raging ear infection, his first. Poor little guy!
In order to have a record of Raine’s creative hand writing and art skills, I scanned some of her recent school work:
Raine forgot to do half of this one (hence the purple marks). That isn’t terribly uncommon. She gets so excited to move onto the next thing that she misses tasks!
Notice the frowny faces? Raine says that they are sad because someone stepped on their ant house.