Monthly Archives: October 2017

Halloween 2017

10/28 Ward Trunk-or-treat

Carter, eating one of the cupcakes that I made

Raine and Lydia in the costume parade

10/31 Trick-or-treating



Halloween always seems to involve some tears for Carter. I think the stress and excitement of it is just a bit too much for the poor kid and it always results in a meltdown right about the time they are supposed to leave for trick-or-treating. After we sit quietly for about 10 minutes, while Daddy takes Raine out, he is able to pull himself together enough to get out there to collect some candy. Good thing the threat of wet weather kept many people away, so he could calm down without interruption. I think our doorbell only rang a couple times all evening.

October pics from school

10/14 Fall Festival


(The only photos I got of Carter were blury because he stayed inside where it was cool.)

Raine was wearing a butterfly shirt, asked for butterfly face paint, and then got a butterfly airbrushed on her arm.

Red Ribbon week

10/23 Crazy hair day

10/24 Pajama day

10/27 Favorite book character day
Raine is dressed up as the Queen of England and Carter’s favorite books are non-fiction books about sharks