Raine- & Carter-isms

These were all recorded over the past month.

Raine: “Daddy do you know how to say ‘peas’?”
Daddy, trying to impress her with his wisdom: “Yes, I know how to say ‘peas’ in two different languages. Do you know how to say ‘peas’ in Portuguese?”
Raine, with a very unimpressed look on her face: “Peas in Portuguese.”

Raine, yelling from the bathroom: “Daddy, I went poo-poo.”
Daddy, exasperated at having to wipe Raine’s bum again: “Raine, you need to wipe your own bum.”
Raine: “No I can’t!”
Daddy: “How long am I going to have to wipe your bum for you?”
Raine: “Until I’m 16.”

Raine has always been very in-tune with emotion in pictures and books. Now that she is writing, each of the letters she makes also has an emotion.
Raine, writing her name: “That’s a happy R but the A is sad. … Oh, that’s a tired I.”

Raine: “Mommy, I know how to climb a tree.”
Mommy: “You do?!!”
Raine: “Ya, we get a ladder and that’s how you climb a tree.”
Mommy: “Oh, I see. That’s a good way to climb a tree.”

Carter: “Momma, pay bah wi me” (play ball with me)
Momma: “Ok.”
After a couple tosses I make a bad one and it goes off Carter’s arms.
Carter: “Oh, Momma!”
After a couple more tosses Carter makes a bad toss.
Carter: “Oh, Me!”

Carter, pointing to each person at the dinner table: “Daddy bah (bear), Momma bah, Rah-rah bah (Raine bear) . . . ”
Pointing to himself: “Me bah!”
He puts ‘bear’ after everyone’s name, even his stuffed dog: “Ruf-ruf bah”

Carter after dropping some food: “Uh-oh me!”

Carter has reached the independence phase. All day long I hear, “I do it.” He has even started saying his own prayers. The other night it sounded like this:
Thank you for . . . “Daddy rahr (lion), Mommy rahr, ooo-ooo (monkey), elebah (elephant), ruf-ruf (his dog), night-night (his blanket).”

He just prays for whatever he sees in front of him (all those animals hang on his bedroom wall). Obviously we need to spend a little more time working on the eye-closing thing!
At meals it sounds like this:
Thank you for “kip-ees (rice krispies), guh (milk), bo (bowl) . . . “

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