Love you Daddy

We had a bit of an unconventional father’s day this year since DJ was scheduled to fly to Atlanta at 2:30 Sunday afternoon. We decided to do most of our celebrating on Saturday night because church starts at 8:30 a.m. and we don’t get home until noon.

So the first thing we did was take Daddy out for dinner at Italianni’s — where we helped him enjoy a very scrumptious dessert. Then Raine helped him open his presents.

One of his gifts was a Daddy themed lift-and-look book for him and Raine to read together. It was a huge hit!

The next day, DJ wore his “Raine tie” to church (the one that he got last year with pictures of Raine on it). Then we took him to the airport and had a few minutes of fun before he had to go through security. You know, fun like riding on his suitcase . . .

. . . and riding the escalator . . .

. . . and running as fast as you can while laughing gleefully!

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